
Life is a level ground. No body in life, was destined to be rich, likewise, nobody was born to be poor. there are so many differences between the rich and the poor, but one major difference between the rich and the poor, is passion. in life, whatever you are passionate to get, will definitely come to you. talent, is only a measure of how passionate one is, in a given field of life
. whenever you come across someone, who you think is greater than you, just remember that the only difference between you and that person, is that he is more passionate than you. He is not better than you, this you will find out, when you become more passionate in that field. take for instance, michael jackson, was a great man, also albert einstein, was equally a great man. they were both great, in their respective fields. while michael jackson was passionate about music, albert einstein, was passionate about science. i cant say that elbert einstein was greater than michael jackson, neither can i say the reverse, because they were both passionate for an entirely different field, but one thing is certain, they both exibited intense passion, in their various fields. if michael jackson had diverted the passion he had for music to science, he would have become a genius in science, same with you, if only you can be more passionate in your field, you will become a wonder to your world. so many people are so passionate for the wrong things, and they keep on complaining that things dont go well, others quit when their attempts fail, and they fail to realise that no great man on earth ever achieved anything worthwhile, without failing at least once. yet failure to the wise, is just a tape, that measures the distance to success, it gives them more insights, and zeal to carry on. those who succeed in life are those who are so passionate to succeed, even in the face of failure.
