Daily Motivation

funny enough, there are no secrets in life actually. you will be surprised to know that watever you require to be the next bill gates, is what you have been hearing for the past years. the problem with so many people is that they are busy looking too far, to get wat is actually close to them, as such, they fail to see it, because they are busy looking too far. if there was actually such things as secret, then every successful person, should be doing the same thing. take for instance, bill gate is successful in his microsoft company, likewise, rockefeller, made his fortune from oil. if there was really a secret to obtaining wealth, then i think both of them should be in oil, not different fields. in that way, we would be able to say that the secret to wealth, is oil. when andrew carnegie was asked by napoleon hills the secret to his wealth, he laughed and replied "i became rich because i wanted to become rich" funny enough, i think napoleon hills, might have been expecting a scroll containing secrets, but that wasnt the case. i know the secret to wealth. its so easy to know, yet difficult to act upon. those who act upon it, become one of the few "money legends." the secret to wealth, is "LOOK FOR A HUMAN NEED THAT HASNT BEEN MET, THEN WORK HARD TO MEET THAT NEED." when you succeed, your doors open. the problem with so many people, is that they keep doing what others are doing, and expect to become wealthy? it will be so hard for them to actually get wealthy, because the competition is high. take for instance, before bill gates, there wasnt anything like mini or micro computers(popularly called PC) bill gates, noticed a vacuum, and worked very hard to fill such vacuum. when he finally succeeded after so many trial and errors, he soon became the richest man in the world. also, before rockefeller came up, the average american, did not have access to light at night. when rockefeller noticed that vacuum, he worked hard to produce much kerosene to satisfy the entire american and neigbouring countries. sooner than later, he became the richest man in his time. now if only you can look for what does not exist, and work hard to bring it to existence, then there is no limit to how far you can actually go in life.
